the great adventure

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

airstream pontoon

Could today have went any better? Is that possible?
The answer is no. I loved today.

I sometimes forget that I have people who love me. Whenever I feel crummy, or inadequate, or self-conscious, I need to remember days like today. In the company of an amazing friend who really cares what I have to say and is genuinely interested in me.

Working so much makes me appreciate the time I have to myself.
Well, in actuality, I don't want it to myself...rather, the time I have for Nina. The time I have for Jessie. The time I have for Megan, Beth, and my parents.

I got burnt today. It feels incredible. Painful, but incredible. Who knew the sun shines during the day? It does, friends. What a feeling...laying on a dock, talking to my best friend, and frying.

Good food, good conversation, and a tie-dye bathing suit from Europe.

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!


  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger Wags said…

    all's I do is burn.... a fair skinned dutch boy has no business with tanning.


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